Agile Coaching Lab Auckland 2021, Week 3 reflection.

Rojaa Matlakunta
1 min readJul 25, 2021

This is my Agile Coaching Lab Week 3 Reflection.

This week has also been very busy and productive.

I have learned about Powerful questions, GROW model, Clean Language, and several Coaching Techniques.

I worked with my colleagues Peter Woolley and Daniel Barritt on the Coaching Pracitising session. I have tried few powerful questions, Clean language, and AWE (And What Else?) — it was a very interesting conversation and received good feedback. I need more practice, planning to coach my colleagues at Pharos Systems.

I liked the Clean Language coaching model a lot — it is really clean. I haven’t tried it but I would like to implement it in the coming weeks. It harvests more known information. The questions are very simple:

  1. What would you like to happen?
  2. What needs to happen for that to happen?
  3. Can it happen?

I’m looking forward to coming week Tuesday. I and my colleague Marion are going to talk about Adult teaching in four easy steps with a small demo.

